2015 will see many changes in the technology, and telecommunications industry; many of which we’re yet to know about. But, there is some good news for anyone who’s tired of hearing ‘Calls from other operators and mobile provides may vary and will be charged at their normal rate’ when calling an 0800 number from a mobile phone.
Demise of landlines
As of June 2015, Ofcom (the independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries), will be bringing in a free of charge service for anyone calling an 0800, 0808 and 116 number from their mobile. With landline usage in decline, it is a sensible move forward. With such a huge revolution in mobile phones, the trusty landline is in serious decline. More people communicate via text message, email and mobile phone calls than with a landline. And, Ofcom themselves has reported that the number of mobile-only homes has gone from 10% in 2006 to over 15% in 2012.
With many businesses and services offering an 0800 or 0808 number it will no doubt mean an increase in calls from mobile phones to such services.
Time to change
Another change that will take affect as of next year is that anyone dialing an 084, 087, 09 or 118 number will be made clear of the exact costs of placing such a call. This will help the called to determine whether they wish to continue. For mobile phone users it's essential to know the exact cost of calls that are outside of your plan, as hefty bills can be problematic.
If you currently run a business that could be affected by such changes then don’t worry, Ofcom will be in touch to let you know more. You have plenty of time to find out what to do next and there will be a variety of options available to you.
Overall, there is a demand for businesses to make life easier and less costly for mobile phone users, particularly as the number of landlines installed continues to fall.
If you’re concerned about any of the changes then do contact Ofcom to find out more. Also, if you’re worried about your current mobile phone tariff and want to reduce your costs further then speak to us at Fivebars Mobile to find out how we can help.