With over 70% of marketeers using social media to find new customers, Fivebars believe that using social media will allow for a healthy flow of relevant information to keep companies up to date with the latest news, deals and updates on business and the mobile phone industry.
You can find us on Facebook!
With over 1.5 billion Facebook users, we found that with Facebook, we can connect with business on a completely new level. We now use our Facebook page to update our followers with news, updates and tips on topics such as how to avoid large phone bills, advising them on the latest deals available and also showcasing brand new mobile phones on the market live as it happens. With 23% of Facebook users logging on up to 5 times a day, we ensure our page is regularly updated
You can also find us on Twitter!
With over 550 million registered users on Twitter, we made the wise decision to also get our business out there by creating an account. With the updates of Twitter being used to generate 34% of leads, we found that this is a great way to get to the customers who may not have otherwise known who we were. With Twitter having a 44% growth from 2012-2013, we anticipate that it is going to explode with success and interest in the coming years!
So, in essence, to keep up to date with all that is going on at Fivebars mobile, simply follow us on Twitter & like us on Facebook. We are always giving you the greatest news and updates, as well as rewarding our followers by running free give a ways.
Millie Hebbard
Customer Service- Fivebars Mobile
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